Social Skills

Following Directions

Accepting Criticism

Accepting "No"

1. Look at the person

2. Say "Okay"

3. Do it now

4. Check back

1. Look at the person

2. Say "Okay"

3. Don't argue

4. Think about what you learned

1. Look at the person

2. Say "Okay"

3. Stay cool

4. If you don't agree, ask later

Greeting others

Getting the teacher's attention

Asking for What You Want

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Say "Hi"

1. Look at the teacher

2. Raise your hand

3. Wait until the teacher says your name

4. Use a nice voice


1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Say "please," and tell what you want

4. Say "Thank you" or accept "No"


Giving criticism

Saying "No"

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Tell how you feel

4. Give a reason

5. Listen to the other person

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Say something positive first

4. Say what you don't like

5. Listen

1. Look at the person

2. Say "No, I don't want to"

3. Leave the situation

Saying you're sorry

Talking with others

Giving compliments

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Tell why you're sorry

4. Don't make excuses

5. Say what you'll do next time

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Ask questions

4. Let others talk

1. Look at the person

2. Smile

3. Use a nice voice

4. Tell what you like

Accepting compliments

Offering to help

Reporting to the teacher

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Say, "Thank you"

1. Look at the person

2. Use a nice voice

3. Ask if you can help

4. Check back when you are done

1. Look at the teacher

2. Stay cool

3. Ask to talk to the teacher alone

4. Tell what you saw

5. Answer the teacher's questions

6. Say "Thank you"

Introducing yourself



1. Look at the person

2. Smile

3. Use a nice voice

4. Say your name

5. Shake hands

6. Say, "It was nice to meet you"



These social skills can be used at home as well as school!